Welcome Summer! Here in Nova Scotia, we ushered in the solstice with a Heat Warning for multiple days with temps at or above 30C (86F). We’ve now been through one entire season of COVID-19 restrictions—the longest and strangest three months many of us have ever known. More restrictions were eased here last week (week 14) and, as of yesterday (06/21), there is only one known active case in the province.

When I moved into the tiny house in 2017, I didn’t need furniture but I did need a mattress for the loft—I ordered online a made-in-Canada twin size that ships in a box. The mattress is probably the most comfortable one I’ve ever slept on but it is crazy-heavy. When it was delivered, I didn’t think to ask the driver to help me get the box up and into the tiny house. It took me at least an hour on my own. I slept on the mattress in the seating area for weeks until two friends visited and helped me push/pull it into the loft. When I moved at the end of last year, my brother and I had the fun of getting it down from the tiny house loft, into the rental van, and into the apartment building.
Where I had this fabulous mattress but no bed frame. After looking online at options, I decided to order a frame through an independent modern furniture store from their Kids’ Beds section. Because of the size, the wood frame didn’t cost much more than the one I had bookmarked at IKEA so it was an easy vote with my $ for the made-in-Canada item. I knew the special order might take 1-3 months (read: 3 months) and I was willing to wait. And then the COVID-19 restrictions started. The store received the frame in April but I had them keep the box in their warehouse until recently when my brother picked up and delivered it*.
Then I (she-who-procrastinates) impressed the heck out of myself by immediately assembling the frame on my own. I listened to a podcast and took my time. With the twin size, it turned out to be easier than I expected to prop up the sides and headboard as I attached the legs. FYI it was called a “Teen Bed” on the box.
Yes, for six months, I’d been sleeping on the mattress on the floor. This did not affect my comfort but I confess there was more than one morning pushing myself up where I announced yep, 55 year old woman sleeping on the floor. Still, I am surprised by the magnitude of how much more pleasant it is to be sleeping now on a bed frame off the floor.
My new roommate, Enid the cat, is a natural for the welcome home committee. 99.99% of the time when I open the apartment door, she is on the mat on the other side singing her greetings. Oh how I have missed that. I am smiling and laughing more daily with her here. Enid never slept on the mattress when it was on the floor but she frequently hangs out and naps on it now during the day. Since she arrived, I’ve bought cat toys, scratching posts, and cat furniture. There’s a good chance she thinks this is just the largest of her fancy new cat beds.
*We managed the hand off wearing masks and with physical distancing.
Related links:
- revisited: who did i support? (post #132)
Natalie Bakody says
Welcome to the cat family, Enid!