February has become the CRAZY month in my SLSR schedule. I wasn’t planning to write another post until mid-March when I expect things to calm down a bit but then I read an email from my friend JC, a fiction writer who has encouraged my work on this blog from the beginning: “People want to hear how you get through the tough parts.”
“Well,” I thought, “I don’t know yet.”
So for now and for the record, let me tell you about February:
- #1 Priority: getting the condo ready for that For Sale sign in early March. Includes the to-do’s I procrastinate on, cleaning, packing, and donating more stuff.
- Arranging to rent a studio apartment from late February to late May. With a large rental corporation, this involves jumping through 10 fiery hoops and signing a 30+ page lease to curb litigation. Red tapey paperwork challenges my patience and I was surprised by feelings of entitlement.
- Choosing appliances, plumbing fixtures and lighting for my tiny house. I discovered how unprepared I was for some of the choices and costs. Even if I didn’t have the above going on at the same time, I doubt I would enjoy looking at 2000 bathroom sinks online. I’m thankful my builders are easy to work with and clarified priorities, because this month I got to that point in all builds where $ trade-offs need to be made.
- Let’s not forget working full-time.
- Researching renting an RV for the move across the continent because it would allow me to transport the cats and my stuff comfortably. When I learned I would need to book months in advance for a one-way rental, I was prepared to pay a non-refundable deposit but it turned out to be a no-go from the rental company so my extensive worrying about the details was unnecessary.
- As board secretary, preparing for the annual HOA meeting (my responsibilities end this month).
- Getting a cold. Feeling run down. Being very tired. Not sleeping well.

kitty legwarmer therapy 02/2017
So, how have I been managing?
- #1 Therapy: kitty snuggling. During the winter, I created an oasis in the guest room, a small room that is easy to heat quickly. Most evenings, I take time to get cozy watching Netflix with both cats. I don’t take our time together for granted.
- Each day, acknowledging all the stuff I do get done.
- When I start to feel anxious, as appropriate: breathing exercises, permission to be distracted until I calm down, giving myself a pep-talk, reminding myself to stop worrying so much, remembering that my health is the most important thing.
- Asking friends for help.
- Being realistic when setting expectations with others.
- Hanging out and talking with friends.
- When I get close to tears, repeating “three more months. Just three more months.”
- Imagining how I will feel being retired and living in the tiny retreat.
And these days, I never forget how fortunate I am to have choices.
My next post will be written from the 400 square foot studio I’ll live in until May. Until then, over and out.
- SLSR: simpler living semi-retirement
- HOA: homeowners association
Disclaimer: some details above may be exaggerated.
Dad says
Lists, lists, and more lists. Things will get checked off. Remember, it’s worth it. Cross country tour with Carolyn and retirement in beautiful Nova Scotia.