Last week, I had a routine maintenance appointment with my GP. It was the first visit since my birthday in October so I learned that I am now in a new bucket with additional recommended wellness tests: Women 50-65. I was happy to realize that it had been at least six months since I’d seen a doctor—because in 2014 I went to a GP four times! It started with the rash in March and then a bunch of new annoying or concerning symptoms over the spring and summer.
When my GP talked to me about stress last year, I thought: I’m not supposed to be the patient you ever have to talk to about this. I know all this. I meditate. I handle stress well. But it was obvious to me that STRESS, and its effect on the immune system, probably contributed to at least half the issues.
With my job, I look at a lot of stats called Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Curious about my healthcare stats, this week I looked up my visit history online. In the 6 years previous to 2014, I only went to a GP with a total of 4 complaints. In 2013, I never saw my GP. In a 6 month period in 2014, I had 8 complaints*. No KPI graph necessary. One thing after another was like a wake-up call that could not be silenced: asking if my health was really the priority I said it was.
So all this was a catalyst to the SLSR plan. All this was not going to become my new normal. I don’t want to have to deal with stress-related health issues. I don’t want to spend more $ on things to “manage” stress, like massage, spa treats, expensive vacations. I don’t want to wait for a worse diagnosis. I want more time to focus on What Is Important … and a KPI for that.
*Note: I am not including the incredibly annoying but expected need for Progressive Lenses (AKA bifocals) last year.
- GP = General Practitioner
- wake up call: the rash post
- stats = statistics
- KPI = Key Performance Indicator
- SLSR = simpler living semi-retirement
- AKA = also known as
Marlo says
That isn’t all I took from this post but I did snicker a little (sorry).
back is the new forward says
there was at least a year of denial first 🙂
Neil says
Marlo is so sympathetic. I guess bi-focals are a milestone. I don’t think they bothered me. I believe I have tri-focals or more. :). Despite your rough start in life, and several bouts of mono, you seem to have had a pretty healthy life, including those extra-healthy climbing and hiking years. Your mother and I were worriers, or maybe I was the worrier and she was the super planner. Be ready for all emergencies. Hopefully it didn’t cause too much stress in our lives or those of our children.
back is the new forward says
oh, i think worrying came from both sides of the family 🙂