It’s the end of Week 3 in Nova Scotia. The State of Emergency here was extended for two weeks to 04/19.
At the top of the short list of things I wish I had done before SIP started is adopting a cat. After commitments that had me away overnight in February and early March, I was all set to adopt last month and now the shelters are closed to the public and closed to adoptions. I would appreciate feline company right now.
The Thumb Down thing that happened this week was a Fire Alarm* in my apartment building. Practicing physical distancing while trying to get the hell out of the building with my ear drums screaming proved a little tricky.
Borrowing ebooks from the library has been handy because, within a two week period, I started five novels that I returned without finishing. Obviously, in a crisis I’m extra choosy—I don’t have time for anything too dark or trying too hard right now. I’m also waiting for a parcel of five books—four non-fiction, one fiction—by living authors I like to support.
Foodwise, I have not been to a store since 03/15. I’ll pick up another order of vegetables from the farmers market next week and probably wait another week after that before going to a grocery store. Before SIP started, I infrequently ate out so I’m not missing restaurants. I miss the coffees out I’d been enjoying regularly since moving in December—but it’s the company and chats I miss, not the coffee. My favoUrite coffee is the one I make at home.
For a boost of coloUr, I’ve requested MAC send me a daily flora photo from her yard. It’s a real spring there in Atlanta with cherry blossoms this week. Here, I’m happy to say that on my walk today I saw bright green stems pushing through gardens—the crocus and tulips are on the way. There are occasional snow flurries though and it’s too early to put the long underwear away.
I’m still reading too much news. I’m still going easy on myself. I’m still trying again tomorrow. I have a lot to feel thankful for each day, including all the communications with family and friends. I don’t think I have ever eaten better consistently for three weeks. And food planning and rationing has been easy for this solo being. I mean, there will be no one else to blame next Friday if I reach to the back of the pantry shelf for my weekend treat and can’t find that last bag of corn chips.
*There was no fire.
Shelter-In-Place Reminder: Believe in science and facts. Follow instructions from medical professionals. Communicate daily with family and friends. Take care.
References and related links:
- SIP: Shelter-In-Place.
- MAC: mon amie Caroline.
- sip week 2 (post #135)
- revisited: who did I support? (post #132)
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