I’m still tracking all my expenses, but my thinking on retirement savings has been shifting over the past year (more on that in a dedicated post). Q2’s budget was definitely not in-the-black and there’s no remorse.
- For the past two summers, I have embraced cycling and I was planning to buy a new bicycle in the spring. Well, after paying airfare for my trip to Atlanta in April, I was dragging my feet over another big single expense. Then the opportunity to buy a bike from a neighboUr arose a few days before my trip so I acted quickly. It’s a gravel bike that fits me perfectly, is only two years old, and checks all the boxes.
- While in Atlanta, I shopped for REI-brand cycling clothes at my favoUrite store.
- Vacation expenses included the five-day road trip to Asheville and Great Smoky Mountains National Park. MAC and I are on the same page with the type of hotels we like to stay at (and we get to split the cost) and eating well at small locally-owned restaurants. Because of an early morning flight out of Halifax and forecasted freezing-rain, I stayed the night before at an airport hotel (where I could also leave my car for free while away). This was $ well spent because it lowered my stress about the travel.

- In my tiny house, some of the cork flooring near the door had warped with water damage from strong south winds. A handyman prevented further damage before winter and, in May, put down water-proof flooring just in that area, creating a distinct hallway. Looks fantastic.
- As mentioned in so-solstice, I started sewing totes to use up my fabric stash. Well, I took advantage of a sale at the small online business in Manitoba to buy more coloUrs of the linen I like to use for the bottom of these totes and, of course, since I was already placing an online order and wanted to get free shipping … I picked up more cute cat fabric too.
- In the unminimizing-my-household-goods category, after months of revisiting them online, I bought a set of made-in-Japan dishes painted with adorable cats that spark joy*. I also bought a reupholstered 1950’s kitchen stool from a local vintage shop (I donated a large amount of old costume jewelry to another vintage shop during the quarter, maybe it balances out?). There was also a leisurely stroll through IKEA on a weekday which resulted in me walking out with bedding and bins.

Overall, the spring was a stressful period but none of the expenses were shopping therapy. I embraced the positive. Celebrating my dad’s 90th birthday. Attending my niece’s graduation from Grade 6. Spending more time with family. Enjoying a biking weekend away with friends. Canoeing** around a lake. Watching block-buster movies at the theater. Visiting with friends. Ordering dessert more frequently because enjoy-life-enjoy-summer. The jury’s still out on that north-meets-south blueberry-mango panna cotta.
*Marie Kondo’s expression re only surrounding yourself with items you love.
**In this case, happily sitting in the middle of a canoe while others paddled.
Coming up … a post on this blog’s 9th anniversary and what happens next!

References and related links:
- CY23Q2: Calendar Year 2023, Second Quarter (April to June). Calendar Year distinguishes from a company’s Financial Year (FY) which may have a different start date than January 1st.
- REI: Recreational Equipment, Inc.
- MAC: mon amie Caroline.
- travel tangent: asheville and the great smoky mountains (post #194)
- so-solstice (post #193)
- simpler-living report: CY23Q1 (post #192)
Cousin E says
I remember those kitchen stools. Surely they aren’t antiques already!
back is the new forward says
: – ) And they’re a very popular vintage item along with chrome and formica dinette sets!