It’s been snowing all morning. Last week, I remembered that it was two years ago that I flew from Nova Scotia to Atlanta to visit MAC. I thought about how good it felt leaving a cold spring here and suddenly landing in a sweltering summer. Time speeds up the older I get but not in this case—it feels like I took that trip A LONG TIME AGO. I figure it must be the effect of corona-time.
After writing about my experiences sheltering in place these last eight weeks, I finally felt ready to look back and catch up on my budget reporting for the first quarter.
Summary: I came in ~ $50 under budget.
A few call outs:
- This was the first full quarter after moving into the apartment.
- I frequently paid for coffee out. This was a happy thing for me with the new location—socializing after group hikes, meeting new friends, and having the proximity of espresso places. I was just starting to think about how I might reduce the expense when SIP shut it all down anyway.
- In March, I switched cell phone service provider, saving $10-$15/month and getting more data and unlimited minutes (no more getting cut off during a call). All that for only $26.45/month. And I got a $10 credit for joining.
- March was over-budget because of pantry stocking (not hoarding). I’m good for chickpeas.
- Half of March was in SIP.
- Finding an income stream to cover rent is on the back burner in the current situation.
Last Friday, I took just my second trip to the grocery store in eight weeks because I have been picking up weekly bread/tofu/veggie orders from the farmers market. My infrequent grocery store shopping has been easy for me being solo and vegan. I haven’t missed restaurants but I have missed the socializing over coffees out.
Physical distancing is still required, but some outdoor restrictions were lessened on May 1st that included reopening provincial and municipal parks and trails. The reasoning the officials gave was our mental health after the Nova Scotia Massacre and other tragedy on top of COVID-19. Nova Scotia is only guaranteed three good weather months. In lucky years, we get four or five. I had been thinking if the parks weren’t opened up soon, the public would just revolt and go anyway—I mean, entering another six-month winter without getting recharged outdoors over the summer would be awful.
I recently received an Atlantic Canada tourism magazine in the mail. It was full of pictures of local wineries, brew pubs, restaurants, festivals, and events that are currently closed, cancelled, restricted, or TBD. Already the images of people gathering together without physical distancing look strange to me. Again, corona-time.
Shelter-In-Place Reminder: Believe in science and facts. Follow instructions from medical professionals. Communicate daily with family and friends. Take care.
References and related links:
- CY20Q1: Calendar Year 2020, First Quarter (January to March). Calendar Year distinguishes from a company’s Financial Year (FY) which has a different start date than January 1st.
- MAC: mon amie Caroline.
- SIP: Shelter In Place.
- vacation (post #91)
- worst (post #138)
- simpler-living report: CY19Q4 (post #131)
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