Through winter, I worked on a creative non-fiction project separate from BITNF. Something to keep to myself or share? I didn’t know. In spring, I hit the wall and took a break from it. Then last week, I had an idea that is the pivot the project needs—I now see how to turn it into a work of fiction, ideas are flowing, and I’m finally having fun with it.
But the major pivot I’m planning is on this whole simpler living semi-retirement thing.
As I’ve mentioned before: 1) my original SLSR plan did not include living in Nova Scotia during the entire winter and 2) living rurally during a long winter is not healthy for this solo introvert.
I’ve not been unhappy here. I enjoy my days. I’ve met new friends. But I’m much farther away from my family (and urban services) than I would like and the drives, especially during the cold half of the year, can be challenging. When a friend asked, since I want to be closer to family, what the hell was I doing still living here, I had a brain hiccup: as I answered because it’s rent-free, I suddenly realized that saving $ was no longer a good enough reason.
I’m planning to get an apartment and move before winter. The next step after that is to figure out an income source (part-time job, freelance work, investments, self-published book) to cover rent. I always called this adventure my semi-retirement so, after two years, it’s time to figure out the semi part.
What’s next with the tiny house and the property is TBD. By moving to this location, I didn’t achieve the goal of making my life simpler. I have had little interest in working on the farmhouse or property on my own and I’m not willing to put my retirement savings into paying someone else to fix it up. It might have been different if there was a significant other here with DIY experience to motivate me and make it fun. Then again, maybe not. I wasn’t house-proud the previous two times I was a co-owner.
What I have been doing is plowing through the Master Procrastinator List. In June and July, I tackled paperwork and red-tapey items. I got it all done but didn’t feel particularly satisfied. In fact, with household chores and farmhouse tasks, it seems to work best if I get myself in a slightly angry state before attempting. I usually DO NOT feel the gratification that is advertised for being able to DIY things like tax returns or yardwork. It’s just something else to check off the list.
So along with more $ for rent, I dream about generating a new income stream to cover: 1) a Personal Assistant and 2) a house cleaner. Oh, and find a veg family that would cook an extra 3) dinner serving 3-4 days/week. Am I being ironic? It’s time to think bigger. It’s time for the first SLSR pivot.
References and related links: