In my no time to lose post, I stated that my ultimate schedule contains three “slow” meals a day. The slow food movement intrigues me and, although I’ve been reacquainting myself with cooking and buying local, there’s still a lot of challenge here for me.
My typical work day now does start out slowly. I enjoy coffee and breakfast while reading new email and social media followed by ten minutes of sitting meditation before I get dressed and go to the office. There was a time when I “hit the floor running,” already feeling like I was late for work, late for something.
The commitment to meditation helps with my slower morning, though I had to be disciplined at first with the habitual “I don’t have time for this” thoughts. Having a job without a required start time also helps.
But once I get to work, fast-forward is pressed. I often eat lunch at my desk, barely noticing the food beyond the first couple bites. By the time I get home, I can consume a snack like a Fantastic Mr. Fox toast attack*. I do not eat this way around other people.
Three weeks ago, a fast food restaurant opened at a busy intersection near where I work in an affluent area. Since then, one lane of traffic has been blocked off and police are required to direct traffic into the restaurant parking lot. Even today when I walked by, rich folk were willing to wait 20 cars deep in the drive-thru to buy some deep fried factory-farmed misery. Slow fast-food. It astounds me.
But while I rarely eat fast food, I do tend to eat good food quickly and unmindfully. Where do I start my work here? Not staring at any screens while I’m eating a meal? Not eating at a speed I’d been embarrassed for a friend to witness? I don’t know how much life I have left and I can’t invent more minutes in a day, but maybe it will feel like I’ve created time if I slow down more. I’ll be considering that while gearing down to a stroll at a local farmers’ market that opens for the season this weekend.
- no time to lose post
- Slow Food USA Manifesto
- Fantastic Mr. Fox Official Trailer (SOURCE: YOUTUBE) – you can see Mr. Fox eating toast ~ 30secs in.