I’m up, I’m down, I’m up again. Repeat. After easily following the SLSR budget in the first quarter, I went way over budget in the second quarter. There were good reasons but, still, I went over budget.
April to June notes:
- April’s challenge was a new health issue—along with conventional treatment (I saw a GP), I had additional expenses (including supplements) to help resolve it ASAP and ASAP before leaving for my trip to Atlanta. I don’t hesitate in spending $ on my health but I may have overreacted/overspent here and need to keep this example in mind.
- The price of Internet went up in April. Only by $4.60, but it pushes the cost of my medium-speed Internet over $100/month.
- I went over budget in May but not because of my vacation—I had budgeted* generously for the trip and, most days, MAC and I cooked healthy meals at home. The main cause was shipping my boxes of stuff via UPS from Atlanta to Nova Scotia. But I also went over-budget in other areas when I got back from vacation. It felt easier to keep going further over-budget after I had already crossed the line. I’ll blame that lack of discipline on the sudden heady surplus of vitamin D I received while away.
- There have also been some additional and temporary expenses for my health (partially covered by my private healthcare plan) that I consider important to address at this time—seeing a physiotherapist for an old shoulder injury that has been getting more painful and seeing a psychologist for some stuff I’m ready to deal with now. This is my head and shoulder work.
- Since January, the two areas where I consistently have difficulties are gas and food. I need to increase the budget for gas as well as work out a strategy for fewer trips (the nearest town where I do most of my shopping/errands is a one-hour drive away). I’m digging into the gas and grocery data and will write separate posts on how I approach the challenge.
I’ve decided to write off this overage against my income tax refund that I associate with the second quarter. Now that I no longer go to the recreation center to use the shower, I’ll move that $ towards a local yoga class instead. In June, I was very excited to join a seasonal class at a lovely studio in a nearby community—it’s close, it’s a small weekly expense towards my health, and it’s a familiar and comfortable way for me to be more social.
*Travel medical insurance is an additional expense I hadn’t planned on but have now when I cross the border to the US.
References and related links:
- CY18Q2: Calendar Year 2018, Second Quarter. Calendar Year distinguishes from a company’s Financial Year (FY) which has a different start date than January 1st.
- SLSR: simpler living semi-retirement.
- GP: General Practitioner, a family doctor.
- MAC: Mon Amie Caroline.
- Previous Post: simpler-living report: CY18Q1
- Previous Post: one year later: missed (part 2)