I was reunited with five boxes of my stuff from WA last month. In the final days before leaving last year, I shipped these boxes (two were boxes of paintings*) to MAC in Atlanta to save $—my plan was to drive down to Atlanta in 2018 for a visit and take the boxes back in my car. Well … I did not drive … I flew. I took an empty duffle bag with me and brought back a box worth of stuff on my return flight. The remaining 4 boxes got shipped by UPS again, this time from Atlanta to Nova Scotia.
One of the boxes contained hand-made pottery bowls. They were missed during the past year and are in daily use again. The box also contained the cutlery I’ve had since the 1990’s. With every meal, I am surprised by how much I am enjoying using those pieces again.
The other two boxes contained an odd assortment of things thrown in in the final anxious days before leaving WA. The pair of coloUrful socks and fingerless gloves I had searched for multiple times over the winter (wondering if they were included in the last minute donations) were found. Most missed was my Shambhala Chant Book—I’m reading daily from that again.
I’ve had fun integrating and organizing the contents into the tiny house’s 192 square feet (+ loft).
When the tiny house was in the design phase, I gave it a lot of thought before making the decision not to have a shower stall. Because the purpose of the tiny house is for a meditation and writing retreat and not for a permanent residence, I chose not to take the precious space for something that would be used for about eight minutes a day for a year or two. My plan was to use the shower in the farm house. Well … the old farmhouse plumbing needed repairs … and running water to the bathroom and kitchen wasn’t working until … last month.

Havasu Falls, Grand Canyon, May 2008.
That’s right, I lived on the property for 10 months without a functioning shower.
Somehow during that time it actually didn’t seem outrageously inconvenient. I showered at the nearby campground, neighboUrs, friends, family, a recreation center.
I assure you, this rustic element was NOT part of my original simpler-living plan.
I’m surprised with how darn excited I am to have a daily shower at home again. It feels luxurious. I missed it more than I was admitting to myself. And I have missed it for so long, I may never take it for granted again.
*I had donated most of my paintings in WA, but kept five of sentimental value (including two watercoloUrs by my Mom).
References and related links:
- MAC: Mon Amie Caroline.
- Previous Post: missed (part 1)
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