Alert: reading may cause tears.
Folk who’ve adopted pets from shelters often have the bumper sticker “Who rescued who?” There’s been a cat in my life since I was a toddler but it wasn’t until recent stress I’ve felt that I really understood the slogan. On 02/26, I wrote in my journal regarding all the changes for my move: I worry so much for the kitties, but I think they are here to help me through this more than the other way around.
Both cats had health issues starting last year. Considering there were no issues before that, we were very fortunate. But with us all, aging means the warranty has expired. So I have tried to not take a day with them for granted and to take time from my to-doing to hang out with them. I planned to drive home rather than put them through the stress of air travel, but was well aware that one or both might not make it to my planned departure date in May 2017.
Their love and attention got me through the big stress of listing the condo, moving to the studio, leaving work, and getting ready for the move and the road trip that starts next week.
It was with a mixture of optimism and denial that I ordered two soft crates for the cats to travel in. On Tuesday, a final vet check up before the trip confirmed that Toffus would not be making the drive to Nova Scotia. He passed on yesterday 05/19.
He stayed around to get me through the tough parts and we enjoyed three weeks together since my retirement. He was an affectionate lapcat up until the end. My heart is broken but I am happy he is free from suffering. Thank you thank you thank you, dear Toffus. I’ll take it from here. Be free now.

Toffus 2008
Toffus (Full Name: Prince Toffus of the Biscuits)
March 2005 – May 2017
Toffus passed on at home in Bellevue, WA with sister Greta and human mom Sheri at his side. Originally from rural Quebec, he made the journey west by plane in 2006 when his mom relocated for work.
In his youth, he enjoyed playing with toys by dropping them into his water dishes. A long afternoon nap on top of the kitty condo was a daily activity. With age, he grew closer to and more protective of his mom. He had a schedule for annoying his sister in the evening.
In later years, he enjoyed joining his mom for meditation by sitting in her lap on a favoUrite kitty quilt and even recognizing the bell that signalled the start of meditation. He was an expert in the ritual of the welcome home greeting and would watch out the window if his mom was late.
An indoor-only cat, he had no medical issues until diagnosed with liver disease last year. With declining health recently, he supported his mom through the stress of selling their condo home, leaving work, and preparing for her big move back to Nova Scotia. In lieu of flowers, please give a hug or kiss to the furry kid(s) in your family.
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Dad says
My sympathy. You have written a nice tribute to a dear family member. Toffus had a good life with you and he will always be part of your western experience. Love, Dad