For the second quarter in a row, I missed my budget target. I was over by $369. In the Q2 report, I didn’t even confess that I was over by $463. One issue is there is no wiggle room for the it’s always something something.
The something in this quarter came as no surprise, it was a collection of paperwork items for both the Canadian and US governments that I had procrastinated on and tackled en masse in June and July. With that work included the cost of meeting with a CPA (worth it), buying printer cartridges* (the printer was free), and shipping packages via courier.
These were necessary expenses but there are other areas where I know I could save $ if I chose to be more disciplined. I certainly do not feel like I have been living frugally or going without for the past two years. I do think about each expense much more than I did before I started saving for SLSR back in 2014. That consideration, combined with being 55, means I know my priorities well by now.
For example, hotels. I’m OK spending $150/year on clothing and buying second-hand but I’m not going to cheap out on a hotel when I’m on vacation. Sure I have a ballpark price but I don’t mind paying for a great hotel room. I would rather spend another $30 (or whatever it is) for a hotel chain where I can enjoy the room and not worry about not touching anything**. Luxury is stretching out on a cotton comforter after driving all day and watching an NFL game on a big screen TV. I don’t feel I ever overpay. I simply pay or don’t pay. My decision.
For most of last month’s road trip, I had the advantage of sharing the hotel cost with MAC. For our two nights in Niagara Falls, I booked a room on a high floor with a view—it’s probably the last time I’ll visit there, photographing waterfalls is one of MAC’s hobbies, and we were splitting the room cost. It was $ well spent from the vacation budget. I guess it’s an example of choosing to spend $ on experiences rather than more stuff.
So back to the monthly budget. I haven’t given up but there’s a big change coming. I have an apartment lined up for December and, with that, the budget will get a major update to include rent and a required income to cover that rent. I’m also way past ready-to-adopt-another-cat so pet food and vet bills also need to be put back in the budget (dependent on the income stream too). It’s time to finally get to the planned and expected semi- aspect of semi-retirement.
And with moving to the apartment, I’ll see clearly how much (or how little) I’ve picked up since the minimizing move home in spring 2017. Yes, I’m upsizing my living-space, but still just as determined not to upsize the amount of stuff.
*The cost of printer ink is ridiculous and I hadn’t had a printer for years but this paperwork could NOT be done online and would have been difficult using a public printer.
** On the road trip across Canada in 2017, there was only one night in a sketchy hotel—I voted for sleeping in the car but MAC vetoed with one vote for her and one for Greta (the cat). I removed the “comforter” and I slept on top of the sheets with my winter coat on.
References and related links:
- CY19Q3: Calendar Year 2019, Third Quarter (July to September). Calendar Year distinguishes from a company’s Financial Year (FY) which has a different start date than January 1st.
- MAC: mon amie Caroline.
- SLSR: simpler living semi-retirement.
- update from a tiny closet (post #118)
- pivot (post #121)
- simpler-living report: CY19Q2 (post #122)
Elizabeth says
So glad to hear you have a place for the winter. Please let me know where to find you! elz
back is the new forward says
Yes I’ll send you my new address!